Mes: abril 2016

The Way to Wear a Camel Coat Like an A-Lister

There are many elements of Charlotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school, but I imagine I’d be pretty fascinated by

The New Surfer Girls In Pop Magazine

There are many elements of Charlotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school, but I imagine I’d be pretty fascinated by

Where to Buy Olivia Palermo’s Favourite Leather Jacket

There are many elements of Charlotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school, but I imagine I’d be pretty fascinated by

The Backstage Fix For Skin That Is Not Quite So Perfect

There are many elements of Charlotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school, but I imagine I’d be pretty fascinated by

Emma Watson Opens Up About Sexism in Hollywood

There are many elements of Charlotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school, but I imagine I’d be pretty fascinated by

Beyoncé, Kendall, and J-Lo All Have THIS Brand in Common

There are many elements of Charlotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school, but I imagine I’d be pretty fascinated by

One City One Girl con Calu Rivero

DresstyleEs una revista de moda y algo más … Is a magazine of fashion and something else… “Nosotros no hacemos Moda. Somos Moda” • “We don’t Do Fashion. We are Fashion” Coco


DresstyleEs una revista de moda y algo más … Is a magazine of fashion and something else… “Nosotros no hacemos Moda. Somos Moda” • “We don’t Do Fashion. We are Fashion” Coco

  • Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
    Coco Chanel