Mes: septiembre 2016

Milan FW Spring 2017 #Serie3 Style

DresstyleEs una revista de moda y algo más … Is a magazine of fashion and something else… “Nosotros no hacemos Moda. Somos Moda” • “We don’t Do Fashion. We are Fashion” Coco

Shoes Rocking, Baby Yeah!!!

Yanina PiccoloFounder & Chief Creative on DRESSTYLE | Graphic Designer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. Specilist in Branding, Marketing, Multimedia and Design. Creative Director and Stylist for DRESSTYLE MAG. Take

Esos raros peinados nuevos

DresstyleEs una revista de moda y algo más … Is a magazine of fashion and something else… “Nosotros no hacemos Moda. Somos Moda” • “We don’t Do Fashion. We are Fashion” Coco

Puma x Rihanna x Cara Delevingne

DresstyleEs una revista de moda y algo más … Is a magazine of fashion and something else… “Nosotros no hacemos Moda. Somos Moda” • “We don’t Do Fashion. We are Fashion” Coco

London FW Spring 2017 #Serie2 Smile

DresstyleEs una revista de moda y algo más … Is a magazine of fashion and something else… “Nosotros no hacemos Moda. Somos Moda” • “We don’t Do Fashion. We are Fashion” Coco

NYFW Spring 2017 #Serie1 Hit

DresstyleEs una revista de moda y algo más … Is a magazine of fashion and something else… “Nosotros no hacemos Moda. Somos Moda” • “We don’t Do Fashion. We are Fashion” Coco

El eModa Day y el eBeauty Day

Por segundo año se realiza el eModa Day y se suma a la jornada el sector belleza para inaugurar la primera versión del eBeauty Day


Guardar Yanina PiccoloFounder & Chief Creative on DRESSTYLE | Graphic Designer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. Specilist in Branding, Marketing, Multimedia and Design. Creative Director and Stylist for DRESSTYLE MAG.

  • Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
    Coco Chanel