This young Italian after choosing to be a star on the web, leaving aside his law career is one of the most well-known influencer worldwide. It currently has more than 241,000 followers on Instagram, showing us their trips and outfits.
Name: Roberto De Rosa
Age: 29
Hobbies: traveling, streetart and street photography, into law and politics, I collect post cards and coins
Favourite song: Human League- Don’t you want me.
Place in the world: Born in Naples Living in Milano, I lived in Warsaw, Berlin, New York, Hong Kong and Rome.
Favourite perfume: Bois D’argent Dior
Beauty routine: Facial Tonic and Slime
It just happened, since forever, people were always pushing me into fashion more then me by myself.

- What called your attention in the fashion world?
It just happened, since forever, people were always pushing me into fashion more then me by myself.
- What means fashion to you? And social networks?
Fashion is art, is expression and its something you have to learn. Social Networks is fast knowledge, Social Media are definitely part of my life.
- Can you describe your style in three words?
My style is italian, Versatile, Catchy
- What cant you miss about your outfit?
Beautiful shirt and sunglasses

- You have a blog called «Decisions are Decisions». Why is it called like that? What can we find in your blog? What type of public do you want to reach?
My blog is called decisions are decisions because one day i had to choose between my law studies and web star career so I decide my passion about fashion was bigger then my law carreer. My blog is about travels, fashion, experiences and I love to make people dreaming about a beautiful life contents from a next door guy.
- More and more men are taking seriously their image; they take care of it, and pay attention of men tendence. What is your opinion about this?
I think men shouldn’t take that serious. Being a real man or gentlemen is more elegant and definitely much appreciated.
- You have love yourself as you are, but What is your favourite thing about you?
My fav thing is my italian way of living la bella vita, my long legs, my italian eyes and my funny and real instagram stories. @robertoderosa
- What can you advice about beauty and clothes, to men on this season?
Be basic, be cool. White linen shirt, comfy and cargo trousers, and always some gold.

… Being a real man or gentlemen is more elegant and definitely much appreciated.

Maquilladora, dueña de #FedraShowroom y estudiante de Diseño del Instituto Roberto Piazza. Me encanta ascesorar a las personas sobre como vestirse y asesorar emprendimientos en la parte del Marketing y Relaciones Publicas.